Data-based UX & Product Design: A Look at My Time at

I have been working with for 7 years and have contributed significantly to the development of the user interface that is currently featured in the application. Assembla is positioned as a competitor to industry giants such as Jira (Atlassian), GitHub (Microsoft), and GitLab, boasting a workforce of approximately 50 employees compared to their 1,500. Therefore, I have had to put in a great deal of effort to keep pace with these major players.

My long-term design goal has been to update the UI and UX of an application that has been in use for over 18 years to align with the current standards set by industry leaders. Throughout my tenure, I have created numerous designs that addressed various problems and added more value to the product. These designs were grounded in solid data gathered from a variety of sources, including analytics, surveys, screen captures, and live interviews with key customers.

I highly recommend Marcin as a UX and product designer. With extensive experience and a deep understanding of analytics-based design, Marcin has a unique ability to create designs that truly resonate with customers.

Sergiy Golub – CTO Assembla

I’ve joined Assembla not long after it was looking like this.
Laving Assembla the app was not standing out from the industry leaders.

All of my designs were meticulously crafted as interactive prototypes that allowed the team to test them before beginning development. This approach enabled us to iterate on the designs and achieve optimal results with limited resources.

Here is a few examples of cases and features I was responsible for:

The Navigation Overhaul

The goal of this project was to increase the users engagement by simplifying the entire navigation system allowing users to intuitive navigation through Assembla platform. The most endorsement by customers improvement up-to-date translated to measurable value it brought. You may read more about this particular case here: Efficiency and User Experience:’s Successful Navigation Overhaul.

The Editable, Kanban Drag & Drop Board

A static table list and column card list turned into fully customizable, real-time drag&drop tool with a quick edit options for all elements.

Fully Customizable Drag & Drop Tasks List.

A static table list and column card list turned into fully customizable, real-time drag&drop tool with a quick edit options for all elements.

Data-driven Onboarding Focused On Conversions

Completely reworked onboarding flow with heavily data-driven design to maximize the conversion of new customers as well as users joining already existing organizations.

Code Review Interface With In-Place Text Editor

Completely reworked onboarding flow with heavily data-driven design to maximize the conversion of new customers as well as users joining already existing organizations.

And many more…

Over the years I’ve been involved in almost any aspect of the Assembla user interface.

Including Marketing Webpage

You can read more about Assembla marketing web pages here: Assembla Marketing Websites – Low-code solutions with WordPress & PHP/HTML